Shakespeare was on to something when he wrote that headline. Turn the pages of almost any magazine and you will find a listicle–an article in the form of a list. Five things we’re excited about this month…Ten steps to healthier eating.
Why are they so prevalent? In our overcharged, hyperactive communications world, lists are orderly. Lists don’t waste time on lengthy musings. And they are simple to read on your smartphone and tablet.
Their titles offer a clear understanding of what is to follow. And they always deliver on their promises. If the list promises ten steps to cleaner air, it doesn’t include nine or eleven steps.
Most importantly, lists provide information in a way that is easy for your brain to process. They are visual as well as verbal. They are far more memorable than paragraphs.
Almost everything has a list component to it. You can use this technique to breakdown complex topics to make them easier and more appealing for your audience. It is also a great way to issue a strong and clear call to action. Here is one example of complex public policy recommendations broken down into a list of five. Check out this article from The New Yorker with more research on why our brains like lists.
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