Social marketing explained

Once in a while you find a free resource that is too good not to share. That’s why I’m pleased to direct you to the Social Marketing Resource Guide. This online publication and PowerPoint deck was developed in 2002, but it is just as useful today for folks who want to...

Push Buttons and Other Tips for Elevator Speeches

An ‘elevator speech’ is a quick and concise summary of what your organization does and what makes it special. While we rarely find opportunities to make speeches on elevators, the elevator speech comes in handy in all kinds of situations. Here are some tips to make...

Think like a tiger mother: tips for nonprofit communicators

My book group is reading Amy Chua’s “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” If this title sounds familiar, it’s because Chua is the Chinese mother who famously never allowed her children to attend a sleepover, have a playdate, be in a school play, watch TV or play computer...

Do an audit: spring cleaning for your communications plan

I’m a linear thinker—systematic and deadline oriented. That’s why I like communications audits. Audits are systematic ways to assess where you are, what’s working and what needs tinkering. You get a realistic sense of your impact. you know what communications...